Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Quote: The Role of the Ambassador’s Wife

"The role of an Ambassador’s wife is multifaceted and sometimes a bit misunderstood. To the outside world the life of an ambassadorial couple is glitz and glamour, they live in palatial houses, are driven by chauffeurs in large cars with flags, attend a whirlwind of parties. But when you look behind the scenes, you see a different picture, especially for the ambassador’s wives. First, many of these women are highly educated and had successful careers in their home countries. By accompanying their husbands in their postings, they become “trailing spouses” and risk losing part of their identity. Increasingly women react either by continuing their own careers, thus not joining their husbands, or by using their profession in the country of assignation, thus combining their role of “ambassador’s wife” with their own professional accomplishments. Another issue is also that ambassadorial couples have budgetary resources that are insufficient for their representational functions. As a result, many of the ambassador’s wives have to be ingenious financial experts and astute organizers."

Rita Janssen

Spouse of Ambassador Marc Franco, the head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Russia
from Ambassador and His Wife: One plus One Is More Than Two

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