Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti Consular Assistance: By the Numbers

The Consular Bureau with Michele Bond (DAS for Overseas Citizen Services) and David Donahue (DAS for Visa Services) conducted a briefing on January 18 on consular services provided to American citizens (amcits) during the Haiti disaster. The work is ongoing; the numbers below a snapshot of what have been accomplished so far and most certainly will change in the future. Numbers are compiled from the January 18 briefing and from the Spokesman’s briefing on January 19.    

40,000-45,000 | Estimated Number of American Citizens in Haiti
2 | Number of Task Force in Washington
2 |Number of Call Centers Set-up
300,000 | Number of calls received
9,000 |Number of cases opened in crisis database
3,500 | Number of people accounted for in crisis database
2,900 | Number of American Citizen (Amcits) evacuated (1/18)
4,500 | Number of American Citizen (Amcits) evacuated (updated 1/19)
44 | Number of flights
525 | Number of Amcits in Embassy Compound
136 | Number of Amcits at Haiti Airport
24 | Number of Amcit deaths (private Americans 1/18)
27 | Number of Amcit deaths (private Americans updated 1/19)
24 | Number of immigrant visas for orphan children
$23 million | Contribution raised thru Text "Haiti" to 90999 (1/19)
72 | Number of individuals rescued (1/19)
3 | Number of email addresses set up
American Citizen Welfare/Whereabouts:
American Citizen W/W in Haiti:
Adoption Inquiry:

Other Foreign Service Numbers:

80 | Number of non-essential/family members evacuated
8 | Total Number of Amcits wounded (official personnel)
4 | Number of Amcits seriously wounded (official personnel)
1 | Number of Amcit death (official personnel)
25 | Number of Consular Officers (augment) sent to Haiti
?? | Number of Local Staff at AmEmbassy Haiti
?? | Number of Local Staff Unaccounted for at AmEmbassy Haiti   

Our thoughts and prayers to our folks at the US Embassy in Port-Au-Prince. Take care of yourselves; this is not going to be over quickly.

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