Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Case of a First-Tour FSO and His First Two EERs

This is an old case from 2001; might even be called part of history now. For some reason, the last time I look through the cases in the FSGB website this one kept popping on top. Anyway, the grievant, a State Department first tour junior officer in the consular cone, grieved, as inaccurate and falsely prejudicial, the two employee evaluation reports (EER), he received while serving as a consular/administrative officer in [Blank]. The EERs were written by the same rating and reviewing officers. According to the FSGB record, the grievant was also “is a lawyer and a naturalized American citizen, born in France. He was naturalized in 1993 and was 50 years old when he joined the Foreign Service in 1998 to " ... put more than three decades of overseas experience to the service of his country."

“On March 6, 2001, [Grievant] appealed to this Board, in essence requesting the same relief as stated above, as well as compensatory time off for time spent defending against false accusations. There followed, inter alia, voluminous submissions of documents and extensive discovery. Additional interrogatories and motions were denied as unnecessary, irrelevant or immaterial by this Board. The Record of Proceedings (ROP) was closed on October 23, 2001.”

One part of the Board’s decision jumped out the page when I was reading this:

“Grievant clearly believes that his interpretations of Department "directives" were the only correct conclusions. He continues to insist that his implementation of Consular Best Practices "was merely following Departmental instructions." He admits to arguing, persisting, and confronting his supervisors. He admits to seeking guidance and then ignoring it. His civility, patience and courtliness with others aside, it is obvious to this Board that he considered himself to be older and more experienced than his supervisors and that he had little to learn from them.”

Read more below if you have the time or the interest:

FSGB_First Tour ConOff

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