4 - total number of US posts (Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar)
4 - number of American Corners in Pakistan
28,000 - number of Pakistani visitors to American Corners in 2009
0 - number of Pakistani visitors to American Corners who met an American
570 - number of approved direct hire positions by end of FY 2009
695 - number of approved direct hire positions by end of FY2011
1,364 - number of approved locally employed staff by end of FY2009
1,552 - number of approved locally employed staff by end of FY2011
12 - number of months for routine tour of duty
11 - number of PD officer positions assigned to US Embassy Islamabad
5 - number of PD officer positions unfilled at US Embassy Islamabad
25 - number of years of experience of one senior PD-cone Foreign Service officer in Islamabad
5 —number of PD officers in Islamabad with less than five years of PD experience
1.5 - million USD, program budget for Public Affairs in Pakistan in 2009
30 - million USD, program budget for Public Affairs in Pakistan in 2010
1.25 - billion USD, total US nonmilitary assistance in FY2009
700 - number of high-level and congressional visitors in FY2009
100 - number of preparatory meetings for said visitors in FY2009
300 - number of encumbered vehicles for said vistors in FY2009
175 - total number of days in the country for said visitors in FY2009
4,000 - number of temporary duty (TDY) staff during FY2009
Related item:
07/08/10 Embassy Islamabad and Constituent Posts, Pakistan (ISP-I-10-64) June 2010 [667 Kb]
This one amazed me: 5 out of 6 - the number of Islamabad PAS officers who are on their first tour.
Good Lord...
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