Serious concerns are being voiced that the newly-created European External Action Service (EEAS) - known as "Europe's State Department" - and the EU Commission are going beyond their remit to speak for the EU - {The Telegraph}
FCO is increasing its presence in India and China, the world's two emerging superpowers; 50 diplomats to be deployed to China and 30 to India. {VOA}
India has long shown mouselike diplomatic clout but that's changing as it starts to make waves in Africa {The Economist}.
State Department's "Experience America" to Bring Ambassadors to Alaska {Alaska Journal}
U.S. authorities are investigating whether an Indian software giant Infosys Technologies Ltd. repeatedly violated American visa laws in order to place its own foreign employees in temporary jobs at some big corporate clients in the U.S. {Wall Street Journal}
Diplomatic Immunity Interpretation: US vs. India {Hindustantimes}
Tom Shah and Molly Huckaby Hardy were among the 44 U.S. Embassy employees killed when a truck bomb exploded outside the embassy compound in Kenya in 1998. Though it has never been publicly acknowledged, the two were working undercover for the CIA. In al-Qaida's war on the United States, they are believed to be the first CIA casualties.
4 days ago
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