Thursday, April 8, 2010

Policy of Hiring Private Military Contractors Goes to Court

The father and stepmother of a private security contractor who was abducted in Iraq, held for ransom and later beheaded have sued the State Department in the hope to “put on trial the country's policy of hiring private military contractors to fight its wars.”


Mark Munns of Anderson said in an interview Wednesday that the suit was filed in hopes of learning what U.S. officials know about the abduction and what steps they took to find his son, Joshua Munns, and the other men abducted with him.

"We would like to get as close to truth as we can," Munns said.

Joshua Munns, then 23, was with four other private security contractors when they were taken hostage after the convoy they were guarding was ambushed by a group of masked, armed men at a fake checkpoint near the southern Iraq city of Safwan.

Mark and Christa Munns are joined in suit, filed this week in U.S. District Court in Sacramento, by the family members of two of the other abducted contractors, John Cote and John Young.

William Palmer, Munns' Sacramento attorney, said the families hope to create "a standard of conduct" that protects other contractors "so they don't find themselves in an Alamo situation, hopelessly surrounded by impossible odds."
Palmer said that's what happened to Joshua Munns on Nov. 16, 2006.

Read the whole thing here.

The lawsuit is filed against HRC in her capacity as Secretary of State and Jennifer Foo in her official capacity. Read the court filing below:

Munns vs. Clinton, Foo

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